First year Industrial Design Studio

Katie Coyne's Sign


brainstorming is a crucial part of the design process. This brainstorming session was about defining who I am and how I should represent that definition in a sign

3D Rendering

In order to fully visualize my design, I had to create a 3D model of my sign. The file is then sent to the CNC machine to be cut. 

Making the Mold

The MDF board is laser cut with the CNC machine. Letters for the sign are also glued on. Tiny holes are also drill pressed into the sign in order for the vacuum form to correctly form

Vacuum Form

A sheet of poly carbonate is then heated up and sealed onto the mold. 


This sign tells a story. I had to think what represents me as a person and where I come from. Distance, relationships, and romanticism was my direction with my sign. I have always been a sucker for handwritten letters, and it always feels like Christmas when I see the name Katie Coyne physically put in black and white ink. A paper airplane was first an idea, but then I thought about how a postage stamp travels all over the country, even the world, and it is told through postage marks. That is what I wanted my story to be. 

3D Rendering

In order to fully visualize my design, I created a 3D model in Solidworks. I then added the correct dimensions in order to submit the 3D model to be cut in the CNC machine.

Making the Mold

Once I created a model and submitted the file to the CNC machine. The CNC machine then cut out my design on MDF board. Later, I drilled tiny holes so all crevices will be able to vacuum form correctly.

Cutting the Letters

Since the letters were too small to cut out on the CNC machine, I laser cut some cardboard for my letters, and then individually glued each letter onto the mold. 

Vacuum Form

now since the mold is fully prepped, it is time to vacuum form. First, the oven needs to heat up the polycarbonate sheet, the it is placed over the mold. the vacuum turns on and it sealed onto the mold. Finally, small puffs of air are blown up to make sure the mold is not stuck in the plastic. 

Final Product

Vacuum formed with poly carbonate, my sign fully represents who I am as a person and has a backstory so the product is more personalized. But what was the process?