Eastman Compostable Food Packaging
Madelyn Lammert Compostable Food Packaging Challenge Reimage single use plastic articles (plates, bowls, cups, lids) commonly used in Quick Service Restaurants and other Food Service Environments Constraints Utilize thermoforming to…
Eastman Biodegradable Designs
Eastman Food Service Co. This new generation co-polyester offers innovative design and application possibilities along with clarity, toughness, heat and chemical resistance. This is our next step in our commitment…
Elementor #1056
COMPOSTABLE FOOD PACKAGING FORM INSPIRATION The design of the package was drawn from Japanese architecture. The use of arches and polygonal structures to provide adequate support for typical fast food…
Biodegradable Food Packaging
Biodegradable Food Packaging RESEARCH RESEARCH INFERENCE Food packaging materials include paperboard, bio-polymer, bio-composite and plastic. Companies favor fold-able packaging due to storage space constraints. A large number of food packaging…
Classic Clamshell Compostable Container
A container made to last, until it doesn't need to.
Designing of Biodegradation
Designing for Biodegradation Re-Imagining a single use compostable plastic cup Challenge Re-imagine singles use plastic articles (plates, bowls, cups, lids) commonly used in Quick Service Restaurants and other Food Service…
Consumers -> Composters
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