ID 2020 Spring

Project 4

Design Challenge —

Design a window bird feeder that could provide unrestricted viewing of wild birds from inches away. People could watch wildlife from the comfort of their home, office, or classroom, create memories with family and friends as it offers a crystal clear and close view of any wide birds.

This design challenge is planned for the 2020 spring first year design studio of Industrial design program in North Carolina State University. As part of our design evaluation and development process, we are now reaching out to gather feedbacks on student’s initial ideas. Those future designers present their design proposal below. We’d really appreciate it if you could give us some feedback on their projects. 

During the project survey, we received

1082 VOTES


Your participation and valuable advice are greatly appreciated

01-Bird Feeder

The ideation and creation of a window bird feeder. While keeping aesthetic in mind, I intend to create a source food for birds and source of leisure for the consumer.​

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03-Sunrise Feeder

Sunrise Feeder Investigation & Research Due to the fact that i had been on lock down during the pandemic this gave me plenty of time

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08- Let’s Ask the Birds Window Bird Feeder

Introducing Let’s Ask the Birds, an informative yet fun way to get everyone involved. Adults can learn the statistics of daily bird visitations while kids can “ask the birds” a question and they can vote. Need help to figure out if you should have chicken or pasta for dinner? Ask the birds! Still deciding if you should get that new game console? Why not leave it up to the birds, they will always have the answer for you.

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A unique twist on the bird feeder that allows you to “shoot” the bird seed into the yard. This inventive design will keeper kids of all ages entertained for hours!

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14 Bird Framer

My window bird feeder design, the Bird Framer, makes it easier to photograph and interact with birds. The gravity fed design incorporates the bird seed into the photo, perfectly framing the bird while it eats.

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Design Challenge —

design a wire “edge” sculpture that communicates a selected object in 3D. The goal of this exercise is to carefully study the edges that bound the surfaces of the object, then use continuous wire to accurately and minimally “model” these forms in 3D. The sculpture must:

  • be identifiable
  • be geometrically defined
  • have well-defined edges.
  • incorporate 3D spline edges

Based on the form study experience from 1.0, step 2 is to construct a simplified 3D interpretation that captures this same object’s visual essence and proportions. Use sketches to develop the form in a context of Industrial Design

  • use sketch storming to exhaust the possibilities.
  • be perfectionism
  • document them every step of the away


-BalancE- -Reduce a form in an producT- -Designing a 3D model referencE- -Understanding the balance of the shoulders and hips through the spinE- -Constructing the

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Dragonfly Form

Using my handcrafted wire sculpture of a dragonfly, I studied its edges and surfaces. With this form study, I created a visual interpretation of the dragonfly and its proportions.

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Form into a Product The Form The Tree-Frog comes in a lot of different shapes and sizes. Known for their powerful back legs and sticky

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Project 2

Design Challenge —

Choose a current product. Use sketch and blue form to construct a simplified 3D representation
of the “building block” volumes and forms. see the reference photo on the header. It helped to understand

  • how a product is created from simply geometry
  • how black box (mechanical parts) inside the form worked.
  • how form transition is relevant to functions.

Despite the current form transition on the simple geometry components, try to think of other possibilities of transition on those defined building blocks.

  • use sketch storming and blue foam to exhaust the possibilities. 
  • be perfectionism
  • document them every step of the away


Mia Lynch Microphone Design The Original The Alternatives Seal-micThis microphone is smooth and simple. The microphone head is at the thin top and the speaker

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Redesigning Door Handles

Redefining Door handles Using bluefoam to Understand and re-imagine the Everyday door handle Previous Next Introduction Something so simple can also be so unique. Door

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Ergonomic Shifter

Colin Kay | Sketches Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on pinterest Choosing A Form I chose this form because there are a variety

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Glue Bottles

Decoding the Form of Glue Bottles Aniya Alston | ID105 | 2020 Motivation Products have helped so many people in different ways and served multiple

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Project 1

Design Challenge —

This is a project warm-up that teaches students how the vacuum forming process works. Each student would make a name plate or a short phrase that allows them to be creative and use their imagination. This sign will be used to as a name tag while displaying homework. This vacuum forming practice is also a preparation work for Window Bird Feeder. *check the third link above to request a FREE injection molding aid, it’s very well designed learning tool.

  • be-identifiable
  • supposed to be easy to mount
  • Be aware of the changes of thickness and strength during the process
  • Trim, polish the edge to finalize
  • be perfectionism
  • document them every step of the away

Rustic Rose

RUSTIC ROSE Genna McDermed This project was prompted by an assignment to create a three-dimensional sign using vacuum forming techniques. This sign must use symbols

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Using the sole of my right boot to create a second fingerprint to show who I am through many layers.

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A polystyrene sign made from vacuum forming inspired by neon signs and symbols from Lilo Harris’ life.

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Turbo For this project I wanted to do something that represented the way i grew up so I decided to do something car related. I

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Shoe on the Wall

shoes are a part of everyone’s day, yet go unnoticed. I have a passion for unique shoes and wanted to show that through my sign.

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“Shining Eyes”

This website describes the design process of this sign. It details the concept, ideation, and the steps taken to build it.

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San York Sign

A polystyrene sign that is created by vacuum forming around a MDF mold of important architectural icons in Robert Bagby’s life.

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New Horizons

This page details the design process behind my vacuum formed sign. The process is explained in terms of four stages: concept development, visualization & planning, building process, and final results.

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