Metallic Polyhedron

ID105  Online Gallery

Project Objective

Develop a metallic modular polyhedron, understand the mechanical properties of different materials and the constraints of the fabrication process, explore the mutual design benefit between the aesthetic value and tectonic value.

Project Duration

3 Weeks


1. Use no more than three materials to develop a metallic polyhedron with a diameter around 10”.
2. Use interlocking joints to explore the beauty of the structure.
3. Bolts, rivets, brackets and hinges are permitted and can be part of design.
4. No adhesive, welding, soldering for the final model.
5. Aesthetic value should be aligned with its structural value.
6. Use design to work around the constrains to achieve a higher level of craftsmanship.

Tell us Your Top 10 Favorite Metallic Polyhedrons

Poll Will Close at 1:00pm Mar.8, 2021

If you are NC State faculties and students, please vote here

* you will be required to sign in to Google with your School Email.
metalic polyhedrons

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Tell us your top 10 favorite metallic polyhedrons?

Any thoughts ?

your feedback would be greatly appreciated

Special Thanks to
the instructors in the Material Lab
Christian Karkow
Jim Dean
Robert Watson